GW Modelling Workshops

These workshops encompass all forms of Geographically Weighted (GW) modelling, providing hands-on exercises such that participants can apply the GW techniques themselves. The workshops are based around the GWmodel R package. The workshops and associated software development were part of the StratAG research programme funded by Science Foundation Ireland.


  • Martin Charlton
  • Chris Brunsdon
  • Binbin Lu
  • Paul Harris
  • The next workshops will be held in 2016 – details will be posted shortly.


    Information regarding workshop objectives, registration, and contacts for the April Workshop are on  GWmodel_flyer_April_v2.pdf.


    GW Modelling Workshop, Maynooth, 24 April 2013

    IMAG0198 IMAG0195 IMAG0201

    Previous GWR and GW Modelling workshops

    Over the last decade and a bit we have held GWR and GW modelling workshops in a wide range of locations. Until the advent of the GWmodel package, the software we used was based around some FORTRAN code I’d written to accompany the book, with mapping of the outputs being carried out using ArcGIS. Our recent workshops have extended the areas covered to include geographically weighted summary statistics, correlation, and principal component analysis, and are now based on the GWmodel package.

    The shorter workshops consist of presentations about GW modelling, with some associated labs to help illustrate the concepts and provide practice at using the software. The longer workshops include additional presentations based on participants’ analysis of their own data.

    Most of the workshops have had around 20 participants, so there is now a sizeable corpus of GWR alumni.

    List of workshops

  • 2002 GEOIDE Summer School, University of Toronto, May 25-29
  • 2003 CSISS Summer Workshop, University of California at Santa Barbara, August 4-9
  • 2004 CSISS Summer Workshop, University of California at Santa Barbara, July 26-30
  • 2005 CASA, University College London, May 10-11
  • 2005 Department of Geography, Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, May 16-19
  • 2005 ESRC/NCRM workshop, Department of Geography, University of Leeds, June 15-16
  • 2005 Dept of Geog, NUI Maynooth, July 20
  • 2006 GISRUK, University of Nottingham, April 4-5
  • 2006 NordGISci Workshop, University of Gävle, June 13-15
  • 2006 GLA Economics, London, October 10
  • 2006 University of Newcastle, November 29
  • 2007 Technical University of Lisbon, February 21-22
  • 2007 Department of Geography, University of Adelaide, April 17-20
  • 2007 GEOIDE Summer School, St Mary’s University, Halifax NS, June 3-4
  • 2008 Helsinki University of Technology, January 22-25
  • 2008 Greater Manchester Against Crime, Manchester, March 5-7
  • 2008 CSISS Advanced Spatial Analysis Workshop, Population Research Institute, Penn State University, June 1-6
  • 2010 CSISS Advanced Spatial Analysis Workshop, University of California at Santa Barbara, July 12-16
  • 2013 GW Modelling workshop, National University of Ireland Maynooth, February 13-15
  • 2013 GW Modelling workshop, National University of Ireland Maynooth, April 24-16
  • 2014 GW Modelling workshop, Department of Geography, University of Bristol, April 23-25
  • 2014 GW Modelling tutorials, Spatial Structures Summer School, Villa Finaly, Florence, July 14/15
  • 2016 AQMeN Advanced Spatial Modelling Course, Modelling Spatial Heterogeneity with Geographically Weighted Models using R, University of Sheffield, March 22-23
  • 2016 GW Modelling Workshop, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Laxenburg, Austria, May 24-25
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